UNITIATE reveals plan to recruit top students worldwide

By Editor April 6, 2016

UNITIATE is working hand in hand with top notch universities, colleges, and other educational institutions in order to detect applicants for this fully sponsored program. “We have identified the best universities in each of the strategic regions to develop a strong network. We are currently talking to institutions in Toronto, Dubai, Barcelona, Shanghai, Cape Town, Sao Paolo, and more. The first CLASS will be highly international”, explains Geoffrey Ravoire, Founder & CEO of UNITIATE.

Interested students can read more about the application process and apply online, directly on the UNITIATE website. Students are invited to fill out their Applications before 11:59 GMT, September 20th, 2016. In order to fill out an Application, students must submit online the following documents (.pdf):

• Resume: updated, including relevant experience and courses, on one single page
• Essay: instead of a traditional cover letter, students should answer the following question: What do you expect from UNITIATE?
• Reference: Every student applying for UNITIATE should be recommended by one to three of his/her professors. A brief letter by the professor and his/her contact details at the institution where the student is enrolled are mandatory.

A systematic review process of these materials will allow UNITIATE to attribute a score to each Application and to build the TOP 100 of students invited for video interviews. Shortlist candidates will be contacted by November 20th, 2016 in order to set a video interview date for December 2016. The video interview will place the student in front of one jury of the selection committee. Lasting 50 minutes, the interview will start with 3 mini-scenarios of 10 minutes that the student will respond to, followed by 20 minutes of conversation with the jury.

Transcripts of these interviews will be circulated to other members of the internal selection committee in order to identify specific values, traits and personalities in the candidates that will make them a successful UNITIATE Member while avoiding any bias or rushed decision. Assisted by detailed evaluation guidelines, each jury is required to produce his/her own TOP 20 and will defend it in front of other members until a unified TOP 20 emerges. Students whose names appear on the TOP 20 will be contacted by December 20th, 2016 and form the UNITIATE CLASS of 2017. First case assignment and Mentor meetings will take place as of January 2017.

UNITIATE is permanently searching for new Partners, Mentors and Students. For more information on UNITIATE and how you can participate in or support the program, please send a request to info@unitiate.org.


UNITIATE is an international platform to develop the business and social skills of senior college students. Annually, sponsored students in the fields of Business, Design, Engineering and Law are connected with their respective industry leaders and peers to facilitate early career development and opportunities.

UNITIATE provides a business-savvy, value-driven environment that places personal growth and sharing at the forefront while developing strong analytical capabilities in participating students. Networking relationships made possible by the sponsorship will support the young graduates throughout their careers.

A trusted marketing and recruitment platform serving students and partners, UNITIATE has been established in 2015 by Geoffrey Ravoire.